A Peek at the Aprilierre Studio
Does your kitchen have a drill press? Perhaps an oxygen/propane torch? A Rolling Mill versus a rolling pin? Yes, it is safe to say that I have slightly different "appliances" than what you would find in your typical kitchen area. Instead of a kitchen island or a spacious dining area, you'll find two jewelry workbenches. Welcome to the Aprilierre Studio.

I am fortunate to be a resident at the Artspace Jackson Flats, a live, work artist building in the heart of the NE Minneapolis arts district. I have a modest two-bedroom that I share with my three-year-old son Niko. My current situation doesn't allow me the resources for a separate work studio to do my jewelry work (but I will continue to dream that into existence.). I am grateful for the loft-style artist apartment that I have, which allows me space to create the beautiful jewelry you've come to love.

My jewelry benches face outwards, carving out a five-foot space for me to work. Fun fact, my 2nd workbench came from a well known local designer who sold it to me for a mere $25.00. It is a watchmakers bench but works well as a soldering station, it's old and beat up it included a Green Bay Packers sticker to one side (I live in MN, so that is sinful around here). It has since become my son's spot to deposit stickers as well.

I surround my space with bright colors and photos for my inspiration. I love that when I am working here, I face the tall windows from which I gaze upon a beautiful city tree.

You may wonder how do I have so many dangerous tools in a shared space with a bustling pre-schooler? Simple. He learned early that this was mommy's area. I initially used the infant gate around my workspace and let him run free around the rest of the apartment.

You will rarely find my workspace in perfect order. As a creative person, I am continually working on new ideas, and those ideas often spawn from half-finished projects lying around on the workbench.

For example, the orbicular statement earrings I came up with by finding these random pieces of silver lying next to each other, and the random pattern it makes.