February’s Bloom; The Iris
February's flower is the Iris. Named after the Greek Goddess Iris, who was the messenger who traveled on a rainbow between heaven and earth. Irises were planted on the graves in ancient Greece with the hope of summoning the goddess who would bring the departed to heaven. The Iris is what inspired the French Monarchy to come up with the fleur-de-lis, their national symbol.

People born during this month are said to carry the same characteristics of the Iris, wisdom, faith, and courage.
Irises are commonly known for their purple or blue color, but there are also yellow and white irises. Each color has its meaning.

Purple Irises traditionally means royalty but can also represent wisdom, respect, and compliments.

Blue symbolizes hope and faith while yellow represents passion. A white iris like many of its sister white flowers expresses purity and innocence.

No matter which color you choose the Iris will be a striking and powerful bloom and February birthdays should feel honored to be represented by such a beautiful flower.