The passion behind the voice of Aprilierre.
At a young age I began expressing myself in drawing which evolved into painting, and then I became active in the local community theatre often acting side by side with one of my parents. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Theatre from the University of MN Duluth and then began dabbling in some creative writing, and eventually, my artistic expression evolved into its true form: jewelry design.
I love my art, and I get incredibly excited when other people do too. Once as I exited the classic St. Paul establishment Cafe Latte, a woman stopped me on her way in and said, "Those are fabulous earrings! Who designed them?” It was the “designed” them that stood out to me. Not only had I designed but I also made them. I smiled, as a feeling of pride washed over me. I am indeed a designer.
The earrings she had noticed were a brand new design, at the time. They were my Pendulum statement earrings, bold and unique enough to stop a woman on the street. THAT is the ultimate validation of my craft. A business card transaction took place, and a week later she visited my booth at the Mill City Farmers Market. When someone specifically recognizes a level of design aesthetic in my work I feel humbled and honored.
The truth is it took me some time to truly believe that I can flourish with my chosen artistic path as a career. For years I battled the inner dialogue that "you aren't a real jewelry designer,” and "you're just learning." That line of thinking has never lent itself to the progression of my business; simply because I didn't allow myself to dream a bigger dream, the dream of sustaining a lifestyle based on creating my art. I see more clearly than ever before; this is the work I enjoy, I love making a connection with people, I love creating something that is a meaningful and emotional link to people's lives. I am a "real designer”. Aprilierre jewelry is a collection that people love, trust and come back for more.
I wouldn't have a business or this opportunity for growth if it wasn't for my loyal customers and clients. I am deeply grateful for the support I have had over the years.
I am excited about the future of my business. I have new packaging designed, my business will be featured in the Twin Cities Local Scout Guide Vol. 3, and I have launched my new website. What amazes me the most is that I have done all this myself. I am eager for the future, to turn over some of the reigns in my business. Until then I am proud of what I built with my own two hands. Creating with tools and a flame…making the metal move that is my passion. That is the story behind Aprilierre.